Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keep Calm and Stay Focused

by Victor J. McCoy

Being unorganized, and the lack of focus is one sure way to destroy your business. Lack of focus in business can be costly, wasteful and demoralizing. In business and life having a level of organization can allow you to be more effective and efficient even in the middle of what seems to be a hectic situation. Below are a list of things I believe will help keep you focused.

  1. Having a list of task to be completed during the day can help you to focus. Check them off when you complete them. Be proactive.
  2. Make a list of things you can delegate and then delegate them.
  3. Stop answering every call you receive. Set aside a time during the day to return calls.
  4. Organize your work before you get started.
  5. Have a quiet period during the day - 10 minutes at least to just calm down and think. It can be in the car, at your desk but not at lunch. That's time to re-energize and relax a little
  6. Stay away from office gossip. That can be a brain-drain, and a big waste of time.
  7. Be sensitive to the timing of events/actions.
  8. Stop letting other people control your time. Take charge of your time.
  9. Stop getting involved. You cannot be part of every organization, committee, board, etc. that request you presence. Let some of the go.
  10. Get an accountability partner.
  11. Connect with diligent and organized people.
  12. End inappropriate relationships. I've seen this in so many organizations and it is very destructive and a big waste of time.
  13. Learn how to have fun. You must learn to relax, do something fun and refresh yourself. It will greatly help your focus. Just don't overdue it.

Many business owners complain about being "too busy", or having too little time to do certain things. As a business owner you cannot afford to be too busy or have little time to do important task. Its time to start working smarter not harder - however you define harder. Being focused allows us to accomplish more in the same amount of time or less with less the stress. Somehow, we've confused hard work with productive work. For example you can mow a 2 acre lawn with a push mower and work really hard to get it done in a couple of hours or you can use the riding mower and cut that time in half while not working as hard. Save the energy for something else that may require physical labor.

If we're going to work smarter we must know what that looks like. You may say, "I'm not organized". If you are not willing to become organized you may be saying "I'm out of business".

What are some of the things you do to remain

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