Here are some of my basic design tips for your website:
Here is where knowing your customer/client is very important. Whatever your type of business keep the navigation simple and easily visible. Build a site map that shows the layout and how you want visitors to navigate through your site. Each page of your website should focus on what the client will need to know while deciding if they will do business with you, having never met you –in some cases.
2. Your content is very important.
Stay away from making it sound like a sales pitch or very personal – only about you. Once again, this depends on the type of business you are operating. For example, if you are an entertainer you will want as much information about skills, credits, and coming events as necessary. If you are selling a service you may want to list some of your credits but focus on the value of the product/service and the reason why doing business with you is a great thing as opposed to your competitors. Your content should answer these basic questions - who are you, what do you do, why doing business with you is a better value, and how to contact you. Make sure that your content speaks to your target audience.
3. The color scheme of your website.
The colors should mimic your brand colors. Avoid design clutter. Keep it Simple but creative. Use a design wheel to organize your color scheme. Your web designer should have one - we do, just say-in.
4. Picture selection is very important.
Use high resolution photos. And stay away from dated pictures on the web.
5. The contact information.
This information should be visible throughout your website. Not just on the contact page.
6. Limit your pages (for service websites)
When possible, limit your pages to the specific services that are the most profitable and are the services your potential customers will really search for. Do not add pages and content to fill up space on your website. Be specific and targeted.
7. Make your pages search engine friendly.
All pages should contain Meta keywords and descriptions, and descriptive page titles. Meta tags are contained in the HTML code.
8. Avoid using Flash intro pages.
I know some believe different, but in my opinion Flash intros are a distraction and a detractor from your web site - get to the point without a lot of dazzle. Focus on relevant content.
9. Keep you content and images fresh.
Add fresh content periodically. Post press releases, new pictures, new training, etc. Make your site more social and informative even if its an e-commerce site.
10. Keep your social media connected.
Keep your social media content fresh and engaging. This will take time and must be a planned activity for someone who will enjoy what they are doing.
11. Stop using free sites.
Most free web template sites can become costly when you need to make major or some minor changes to the site. Especially if you don't have any web design or coding experience. And unless you have the time and talent it's really not a good idea to manage, edit, update or market your own website. Unless your business model requires that you do, and still outsourcing some of the services can be beneficial and more productive.
You have discuss all the issues very clearly regarding web design,I want you to keep doing such a wonderful work done by you in this blog. Beautiful. Thanks
Thank you for your comments Web Design Singapore. I hope to continue this throughout 2011.
Hi I plan on calling you company to help me set up my website. I hope you will do a great job as your website states.
I want to point out something to you about a typo in tip #2 sentence #2. the word "to" is used in place of the word "too" which is the correct term for what you are saying. "to" is to proceed. "too" implies also.
thank you and take care.
i like to read your blog
With regards to website content, it’s also a good idea to dedicate a page that will feature testimonials from your previous or regular customers. This will help establish your credibility and enhance your good reputation. Also, for a more interactive website, you can try adding a live chat box to answer your visitors’ questions real-time. This will definitely give you brownie points when it comes to customer service.
Darryl Tay
Thanks Darrly for your comments.We are adding our many great customer comments to our homepage.
The live chat would work well for some but not for all. For some businesses it could be effective if structured and managed well- as with all things web.
An effective web design has to be a perfect fusion of strategy and creativity. Designing and developing a website that is aesthetically appealing and highly artistic is only winning half the battle.
Good points!
Very nice site and article. Amazing one, I appreciate this work.... This is a wonderful post Hey I see smart blog; I love it greatly because I cannot find anything better than your authors. Thanks, I agree that this will be a great help for me...
It’s really great information for web designer; I really like points of designing tips that most used ecommerce website. Thanks a lot and LOL.
Great tips regarding web designing. Web design is one of the most important thing that a developer consider to make website. An attractive site might often visit by the users.
Thanks for the useful tips that I could use!
Nice suggestion. Thank you!
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