Monday, April 14, 2014

5 Key Business Success Factors - Plus 1 Bonus Factor

by Victor J. McCoy
3V Design

The guy in this picture could run faster if he'd run with someone faster than he.

Business research has shown that these key factor when executed can have a tremendous impact on your businesses bottom-line.

1. Analysis Current Productivity. and find ways to be more productive while working sometimes with less. New technologies can aid is this area. Training employees to handle new task as opposed to hiring new staff may be necessary.

2. Review Economic Indicators. Plan for the future with understanding and prudence.

3. Find Ways To Operate More Profitably. Your customers are a good resource for this information as  well as your vendors. Outside consultation is great also. Sometimes looking at things one way for so long blocks what you could see.

4. Stop Procrastinating. Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Let go of trifling matters.

5. Execute Your Plan. Its just that simple. If you know it should be done then do it.

"I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through - then follow through."
- Eddie Rickenbacker

6. Hang out with people who model what you need to become mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in order to achieve business success. And, read, read, read good books from proven authors.

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